The Port of Kennewick Board of Commissioners meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m.
The public may attend the meetings in-person in the Commission Chambers located on the second floor of the Port of Kennewick administrative offices located at 350 Clover Island Drive in Kennewick, Washington, or via GoToMeeting. On occasion, a meeting may be held elsewhere within the district; public notice will be given and the alternate location posted on this webpage.
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
*Special Meeting
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
*Special Meeting
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
*Special Meeting
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
Meetings or agendas with asterisks indicate a special meeting.
Meeting minutes prior to 2017 have been transferred to the Washington State Archives.