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Final Draft of Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District Master Plan Ready

Artist's renderings showing options for development at Kennewick's Historic Waterfront Master Plan.

Final Draft of Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District Master Plan Ready

Kennewick, Wash. – A final draft of the Port of Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District Master Plan is now online and open for community comment.

The public can read the plan and offer feedback on the port’s website from May 26 through June 6. The port’s Board of Commissioners will consider adopting the Historic Waterfront District Master Plan at its June 8 commission meeting.

WHO: Anyone interested in the redevelopment plans for Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District.

WHAT: Review and comment on the Historic Waterfront District Master Plan being considered for adoption by Port of Kennewick’s Board of Commissioners.

WHEN: Review the proposed plan and comment online from May 26 through June 6 or provide comments at the June 8 commission meeting.


Port of Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District Master Plan will prioritize the next 15 to 20 years of activities, amenities and improvements for port-owned properties on Clover Island and Columbia Drive (Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village, The Willows and Cable Greens).

Three earlier rounds of public engagement shaped recommendations contained in the final draft. This last round of public input will help ensure the master plan document follows a community-driven approach to redevelopment.


Port of Kennewick is an economic development entity focused on developing assets to
create sustainable family-wage jobs, build infrastructure and user-friendly transportation systems
and enhance the quality of life within the port district.