05 Feb Comment on Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District Plan
Kennewick, Wash. – Tri-Citians have a final opportunity to help shape the future amenities and features of Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District beginning February 6.
Community members can review the proposed plan and submit an online survey from February 6 through 15 at KennewickHistoricWaterfront.org. The port’s consultants will conduct a virtual presentation of the plan at 3 p.m. on Monday, February 8. A recording of the presentation will be available online through February 15.
WHO: Anyone interested in future uses/amenities in Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District
WHAT: Final feedback on the recommended development plan
WHEN: Virtual presentation of the proposed plan: Monday, February 8 at 3 p.m. Review the proposed plan and comment online: February 6 through 15
WHERE: KennewickHistoricWaterfront.org
Port of Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District Master Plan will prioritize the next 15 to 20 years of activities, amenities and improvements. The district encompasses the port’s Clover Island, Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village, The Willows and Cable Greens development sites.
Public input on the proposed development plan is essential to ensure a strategic, community-driven approach to redevelopment. Responses will also help the Port of Kennewick determine potential missing elements or challenges. Two earlier rounds of public input shaped the proposed plan.
The Port of Kennewick is an economic development entity focused on developing assets to
create sustainable family-wage jobs, build infrastructure and user-friendly transportation systems
and enhance the quality of life within the port district.