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Kennewick Historic Waterfront

District Master Plan

Realizing the Greater Vision for the Historic Waterfront

The Waterfront District Master Plan creates a cohesive vision for integrating Clover Island, Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village, The Willows and Cable Greens as one unified amenity district. Port Commissioners adopted the plan in June 2021.

Based on stakeholder feedback, the Waterfront District Master Plan prioritizes the next 15-20 years of investments to help realize the waterfront area’s greater vision. The plan builds upon the 15 years of investment to date and responds to the area’s evolving context and growing community.

Community-Driven Process

The Waterfront District master planning process engaged community members, businesses, partners and other stakeholders in September and October 2020 and February, May, June 2021. This input helped identify challenges, opportunities and potential synergies with neighboring plans and projects along Columbia Drive, in downtown Kennewick, across the river on Port of Pasco property and in the broader Tri-Cities community where relevant.

Master Plan 

The adopted plan showcases the vision for amenities and the development of the Historic Waterfront District following multiple rounds of community feedback.

Waterfront District Highlights

Previous Community Input

Map activity graphic for community feeback on the proposed Kennewick Historic Waterfront District Master Plan.

Phase Three

Outreach Summary

Find out what the community had to say about the proposed master plan during round three.

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Phase Two

Outreach Summary

View concepts and read the community comments gathered during phase two outreach.


Phase One

Outreach Summary

Read a summary of the community input received during the first phase of outreach.

Redevelopment Progress