08 Dec Kennewick Police Department & Kay Metz “Friend of the Port” Award Recipients for 2020
Kennewick, Wash. – At Port of Kennewick’s regular business meeting today, port CEO Tim Arntzen announced two “Friend of the Port” awards for 2020. The port presented the awards to recognize outstanding service to the port and the community.
Kennewick Police Department was selected as the 2020 “Friend of the Port” representing an organization. The KPD leadership team, comprised of Police Chief Ken Hohenberg, Commander Scott Child, Commander Trevor White, Commander Chris Guerrero, Commander Randy Maynard, Lieutenant Aaron Clem and Lieutenant Christian Walters, was presented with a plaque on behalf of all KPD employees indicating that Port of Kennewick values the Kennewick Police Department’s partnership in community redevelopment.
Port staff indicated that they chose KPD for their compassionate service, rapid response and friendly assistance whenever called, the time and effort their officers spend patrolling and safeguarding the port’s development projects, and for the diligent commitment exhibited by each officer in helping transition Kennewick’s historic waterfront into a destination gathering place.
Stated Arntzen, “Our community is safer, and the port’s properties are more welcoming and inviting because of the Kennewick Police Department. The port team recognizes that KPD is our partner in economic development. And your team has consistently demonstrated outstanding community service during some very trying times—including operating with a high degree of responsiveness and continued excellence during a time of heightened civic activity and a global Pandemic. We wanted you to know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. For everything you do, our port team thanks you, and we honor your organization as our ‘Friend of the Port’ for 2020.”
The plaque reads: “Presented to Kennewick Police Department in recognition of your tireless efforts to safeguard the community, and for your alacritous assistance and outstanding partnership in renewing Clover Island, Columbia Gardens, and Vista Field.”
Stated Chief Hohenberg, “The men and women of the Kennewick Police Department are humbled and honored to have been selected as the organizational “Friend of the Port” for the Port of Kennewick. We are grateful to have such a close partnership with the Port of Kennewick. We are especially appreciative of their continued work in revitalizing not only Columbia Drive, Clover Island, Vista Field but also all the areas within the Kennewick Port District. The City of Kennewick and the Police Department value our relationship with the Port staff and elected officials.”
The port also recognized Kay Metz as a 2020 “Friend of the Port” for his individual contributions.
“Every so often, the port has an opportunity to recognize someone special for making an extra effort, for taking time to share their talent and their energies, for caring enough about our community to go above and beyond what is expected, what they are paid to do, or what most people would even consider necessary. This year we chose to recognize Kay Metz for doing all of that and more,” said Arntzen. “Kay is a personal steward of Clover Island. Sixty-five years ago, his family created the region’s first marina, and his Metz Mobile Marine is still doing business on the island.”
In selecting him, port staff identified that Kay never hesitates to share his knowledge of boating, maintenance and repair with anyone in need. He keeps a watchful eye on the island and has loaned his pump equipment when boats were sinking. Kay is a tireless cheerleader for all the port’s endeavors and the go-to resource when the staff has marine-related questions. He has been involved with Tri-Cities Water Follies for 54 years and is a long-time member and a past commodore of the Clover Island Yacht Club. He also was instrumental in helping facilitate a new yacht club building.
“I’ve heard Kay referred to as the unofficial “Mayor of Clover Island,” and I think that’s a fitting title,” said Arntzen. “Kay has always been an advocate for the Island and all the Port of Kennewick’s endeavors. He is an outstanding volunteer. He has a tremendous heart for service, for people, and this community. For those reasons, we are honored to announce Kay Metz as our individual ‘Friend of the Port’ for 2020.”
The plaque reads: “Presented to Kay Metz in recognition of your selfless devotion to recreational boating, stalwart championship of port endeavors, and personal stewardship of Clover Island.”
Port commissioners indicated they were pleased with the staff selection of the Kennewick Police Department and Kay Metz. The commission recognized that the Metz family has a long history of working to create a vibrant waterfront and that a compassionately engaged police department is crucial to the port’s redevelopment efforts.