08 May Master Plan Update Process Begins for Kennewick Historic Waterfront District
Port of Kennewick is starting an update of its Historic Waterfront District Master Plan to prioritize the next 15-20 years of investments and help realize the greater vision for the waterfront area.
Kennewick’s Historic Waterfront District encompasses Clover Island, Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village, The Willows, and Cable Greens. The updated plan will create a cohesive vision for integrating these project areas as one unified amenity district, and build upon the 15 years of investment to date.
The update process will include participation from community members, businesses, partners and other stakeholders. This input will help identify challenges and opportunities as well as potential synergies with neighboring plans and projects along Columbia Drive, in downtown Kennewick, across the river on Port of Pasco property and in the broader Tri-Cities community where relevant.
The Historic Waterfront District Master Plan update is anticipated to be complete in March 2021. Visit the planning web page to learn more.