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Applications Being Accepted for Tenancy in the Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village

Applications Being Accepted for Tenancy in the Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village

Applications are now being accepted for lease space in the Port of Kennewick’s new boutique winery facility, Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village. And August 10, 2016, is the application deadline. This destination cluster of waterfront wineries will be located on the historic Columbia River waterfront, adjacent to Clover Island in Kennewick, Washington. The urban wine & artisan village is expected to serve as a regional tourism attraction opening in 2017.

In this phase one development, the Port of Kenewick is offering two spaces for lease, each with a 3,500-square-foot, stand-alone building offering tasting room, patio, and winery production space along with case good and barrel storage in a separate, onsite building.

In addition, the wine production areas will connect directly to the City of Kennewick’s City-managed winery-effluent wastewater system; natural gas is also available.

Building lease rates are very affordable starting at $7.80 per square foot per year on a 5-year initial lease term. Washington State Leasehold Tax applicable.

Interested parties should apply not later than the August 10, 2016 deadline. Applications can be found on the Port of Kennewick’s website.

A selection committee will review all applications and make recommendations to the Port of Kennewick’s Board of Commissioners, which will make the final determination regarding tenants.

The Port of Kennewick will construct and lease these first three winery buildings to bring small production wineries to Kennewick’s historic waterfront. The plan is for those buildings to be completed by late spring of 2017. Subsequent parcels will be leased or sold in response to market demand as the private sector implements future development.

Located in an urban setting at the Columbia River shoreline, the Columbia Gardens Wine & Artisan Village will provide a vibrant gathering place to enjoy boutique wineries, tasting rooms, restaurants, shops, art, and riparian wildlife along a scenic nature trail.