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Help Is Needed to Transform Vista Field

Help Is Needed to Transform Vista Field

Citizen input will shape long-term plans for regional “town center”

Kennewick, Wash. – Throughout the week of November 10 through 15, 2014, a series of public input meetings will shape the future of Vista Field, with the goal of transforming the former airport site into a regional town center and vibrant community asset. Vista Field is strategically located in the heart of the Tri-Cities commercial and residential center. Because a diversity of input will make a stronger plan for future economic development and diversification, the Port of Kennewick is hoping to hear from the entire community. People can attend any or all of the public input sessions. The meetings are open to EVERYONE—not just those living in Kennewick.

Those attending the sessions are encouraged to think about examples of architecture, or art, or public spaces, or amenities, or facilities, and living/working/playing/gathering places that can positively influence our collective future. We want them to bring photos. Share ideas. Dream big. And then we want them to share this information with the consultant Team of Duany, Plater Zyberk (DPZ) during the November meetings in Kennewick, Washington. And if someone cannot attend the meetings, input can still be provided via email.

Early economic projections indicated that redevelopment of this site could mean as many as 3,380 jobs, $460 million in private sector investment, $51 million in new infrastructure and $408 million in new (taxable) buildings—meaning new revenues for police, fire, hospital, libraries, schools, parks, and other local services. The November 10 through 15, 2014 meetings will bring focus to specific elements and designs for Vista Field, and create a community ownership that will help steward and guide development long-term.

Why: Show up. Speak up. We urge citizens to help craft the final design for this vibrant urban gathering place—if they don’t show up and provide their perspective…then someone else will define the future of Vista Field.
Who: General public and media
When: November 10, 12, 13, 15, 2014. Times vary each day. Recap meetings will be held each night; a complete schedule and directions to the meeting location are available at:
What: Public Input Meetings to transform Vista Field into regional town center
Where: 6600 W. Deschutes, Building “B”, Kennewick, WA 99336 [hangar building located on east side of former airport]

Photo Ops: people sharing pictures, talking with consultants, mockup maps and designs, and plans for future roads, public spaces, and possible facility development.