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Special Joint Meeting between the Port, City and Columbia Basin College

Special Joint Meeting between the Port, City and Columbia Basin College

Significant catalyst project to be proposed for Phase II

Kennewick, WA – On Tuesday, October 18, 2016, the Port of Kennewick, City of Kennewick and Columbia Basin College will have a joint meeting regarding joint efforts to redevelop the west Columbia Drive waterfront. The meeting will also be a chance for elected officials to receive and consider a proposal and funding options for a significant catalyst project. Council and Commissioners will consider taking action to enter into a Phase Two partnership agreement to leverage previous Port and City Phase One investments in the Columbia Gardens Wine and Artisan Village.

Who: Media and the general public are invited to attend
What: Special Joint Meeting
When: Tuesday, October 18, 2016, 5:30 pm.
Where: Kennewick City Hall, Council Chamber, 210 W. 6th Avenue, Kennewick WA
Why: Receive Columbia Gardens Phase I status updates, and to consider a catalyst project proposal for a Phase Two redevelopment partnership.